Bakerhouse Gallery

Graz | Klagenfurt

The Bowie and Warhol Wonderland

€8,500.00 inkl. MwSt.
Produktart: Original Kunstwerk

 < 139,5 x 77 cm / acrylic on canvas >


This painting, first presented at the Nova Rock Festival 2024, is a unique collaboration between Mina Caputo, musician and painter from the band Life of Agony, and renowned painter Tom Lohner.

The painting reflects the fusion of their distinct creative processes. Caputo, driven by spontaneity, channels her raw emotions directly onto the canvas, capturing the essence of her feelings in real time. In contrast, Lohner employs a methodical approach, meticulously planning the composition of his paintings before beginning the actual work.

The central theme of the piece is the lasting legacy, inspired by icons like Andy Warhol and David Bowie. The vibrant colors and dynamic forms symbolize how the influences of Warhol and Bowie transcend their lifetimes, continuing to inspire people today.

This painting represents the start of an exciting journey for Caputo and Lohner, aiming to learn from each other and merge their artistic expressions into a harmonious unity. It celebrates their diverse approaches to creativity and invites the viewer to dive into the deep and multifaceted worlds of both artists.