Jörg Döring

Artworks by Jörg Döring always offer countless points of reference. Icons such as Brigitte Bardot, Steve McQueen, Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren or Mickey Mouse are often the focus of the works and yet are only part of the whole.
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Jörg Döring, freelance artist, was born in the mid-60s in the Ruhr area. Already in early youth, motivated by a fostered interest in art, first paintings are created.

In 1986 the first professional studio is established in Essen, from 1988 works are shown in the context of regional exhibitions. In 1995 the studio moves to Düsseldorf, national and international presentations at art fairs and in galleries ensure a steadily growing level of awareness.

Early works of Döring are characterized by historical highlights of Pop Art of the 60s and 70s, the thematic presence in the parental home affected his work. Iconic personalities, revolutionary characters, comic book, Marvel and brand stories, advertising claims, headlines, typographies... Aesthetic worlds that always surrounded Döring are continuously present, were and are used by the artist as raw material to develop and counteract his own time-defining stories on canvas. This versatile approach remains at the core of his daily work to this day.

From the mid-1990s, Döring adds the technique of serigraphy to his work, in addition to oil painting, which he has consistently practiced to date, and which forms a focus of his extensive oeuvre in the following years. Since 2010, he has devoted himself intensively to the work on collages, which are also used as a supplement or substructure for oil paintings.

The blending and linking of the different, visual disciplines is the basis for the creative processes, which always combine anew and consciously exclude routine. Over the creative process of the artist, a multilayered mixture of material, technique, reflection and ambiguity has emerged. Some original elements are constantly carried along and can be traced as a line. Many expanding facets were added in the course of the artistic activity. In Döring's doing and being everything is constantly in transformation....

In three decades JD has developed an independent, vital visual language with original references and perspectives on the complex and complicated everyday world. His pictorial œuvre formulates itself aesthetically fine-nerved and pleasurable, as well as with all balance and splendor of the works, in the depth ideally and meaningfully charged.

JD lives and works in Meerbusch near Düsseldorf, his artistic work has been shown in over 250 exhibitions, including in Munich, Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin and Frankfurt, London, Zurich, Luxembourg, Stockholm, Basel, Paris, New Delhi, Los Angeles and Miami.


14.01.2023 Galerie Schortgen, Luxembourg/LU
xx.01.2023 Venet-Haus Galerie, Ulm/D

19.02.2022 Galerie Artima, Paris/FR
05.05.2022 AAF, Galerie Artima, London/UK
20.05.2022 Galerie Hegemann, München/D
25.05.2022 Galerie Voigt, Nürnberg/D
06.10.2022 Galerie Jaeschke, Braunschweig/D
05.11.2022 Galerie 5, Köln/D
26.11.2022 Art Gallery Wiesbaden/D
02.12.2022 Galerie Kersten, Brunnthal/D

26.06.2021 Galerie Ilka Klose, Würzburg/D
15.07.2021 Galerie Voigt, Nürnberg/D
30.07.2021 Galerie Hegemann, München/D
30.09.2021 Foxx Galerie, Zürich/CH
27.10.2021 AAF, Kunsthuizen, Amsterdam/NL
04.11.2021 Galerie Jaeschke, Braunschweig/D
27.11.2021 Galerie Schortgen, Luxembourg/LU
11.12.2021 Art Gallery Wiesbaden/D


13.02.2020 Art Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe/D
29.03.2020 Galerie Reitz, Köln/D
31.05.2020 Kunstverein KISS
17.07.2020 Galerie Hegemann, München/D
29.10.2020 AAF Art Fair, Amsterdam/NL
06.11.2020 Galerie Schürmann, K.-Lintfort/D
12.11.2020 Affordable Art Fair, Hamburg/D
20.11.2020 Luxembourg Art Week
21.11.2020 Art Gallery Wiesbaden/D
28.11.2020 Galerie Schortgen, Luxembourg/LU

15.03.2019 Kunsthuizen, Amsterdam/NL
06.04.2019 Galerie 30works, Köln/D
02.05.2019 Galerie Sept, Brüssel/BE
15.06.2019 L'Autre Galerie, Nancy/FR
18.06.2019 Galerie Augustin, Wien/AT
26.07.2019 Galerie Hegemann, München/D
24.08.2019 Galerie Kühn, Lilienthal/D
29.08.2019 Foxx Galerie, Zürich/CH
27.09.2019 Galerie Loeffel, Basel/CH
05.10.2019 Galerie Artima, Paris/FR
10.10.2019 Galerie Voigt, Nürnberg/D
15.10.2019 Art Galerie Richter, Berlin/D
09.11.2019 Galerie Z&H, Dortmund/D
16.11.2019 Art Gallery Wiesbaden/D
23.11.2019 Galerie Schortgen, Luxemburg/LU
29.11.2019 Galerie Jaeschke, Braunschweig/D