Robert Wagners Nightmare - Don't mess with the Yakut

€1,750.00 Tax included
Product type: Original Artwork

55 x 55 x .5cm

Stencil spray paint on double sided Showa era Japanese YAKULT Sign


Unique piece. There can only be ONE.

Naboo: “Don’t mess with the occult.” Vince: “I thought it was good for you. You know. Good for your digestive system.” Naboo: “That’s Yakult.” Vince: “Oh yeah…”

Pure Evil explains that a chance email from a Chinese “copy village” gave impetus to his “Nightmare Series.” The village offered, via email, a list of artists it could reproduce, including three Andy Warhol paintings. The idea of Warhol’s entire artistic output distilled right down to three small 64 x64 pixel thumbnails of Jackie Kennedy, Liz Taylor and an Electric Chair became the inspiration for these doomed and dripping celebrity portraits. Why are they crying ? “Its an illustration of the heartbreak and sadness (and possible murder) we have all experienced in relationships in the past